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Docker based setup

Install and setup Docker on host machine

Follow the instructions available here to install docker on your machine.

You could also go through the Docker quick start quide to know more about Docker .


The following has not been tested on Windows.

If you encounter any issues/ has suggestions raise an issue here

Setting up

We'll assume the following directory structure

├── Dockerfile
└── workdir/ # <- user files will be stored here and mapped to container

We'll store the user written code in workdir and map the same into the container.

We can create the structure using the below commands

cd <your directory>
New-Item Dockerfile
New-Item -path workdir -ItemType directory
cd <your directory>
touch Dockerfile
mkdir workdir

The contents of Dockerfile are given below

FROM ubuntu:20.04

RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y bison flex libreadline-dev libc6-dev libfl-dev wget vim make gcc curl unzip build-essential

RUN useradd -m expos
USER expos

RUN cd /home/expos \
    && curl -sSf | sh \
    && cd /home/expos/myexpos \
    && make

WORKDIR /home/expos/myexpos

The given Dockerfile will setup expos environment as specified in Setting Up Page

Building the container image

We'll now build the container image using the Dockerfile

docker build -t expos:ubuntu20.04 .

Start the container instance

We'll start an instance of Container and map the local folder workdir into /home/expos/workdir directory of container.

docker run -v ${PWD}/workdir:/home/expos/myexpos/workdir -d --name expos -i expos:ubuntu20.04
docker run -v $PWD/workdir:/home/expos/myexpos/workdir -d --name expos -i expos:ubuntu20.04 

We now have a container instance running in background with the name expos and required volume mounts

Connecting to the container

We can connect to the container instance using the following commands

docker start expos # if the container instance is not already running

docker exec -it expos /bin/bash # to get a bash shell inside the container

After connecting to the container you can use spl, expl, xfs-interface, and xsm binaries as mentioned in Setting Up Page

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