Stage 18 : Disk Interrupt Handler (6 Hours)
Learning Objectives
- Familiarize with disk interrupt handling in XSM.
- Modify the Exec system call to handle disk interrupt.
Pre-requisite Reading
- Read and understand the XSM tutorial on Interrupts and Exception handling before proceeding further.
- Revise the console and disk interrupt part.
In this stage, we will introduce disk interrupt handling in XSM. In the previous stage, we used the loadi statement to load a disk block into a memory page. When the loadi statement (immediate load) is used for loading, the machine will execute the next instruction only after the block transfer is complete by the disk controller . A process can use the load statement instead of loadi to load a disk block to a memory page. The load statementin SPL translates to LOAD instruction in XSM.
The LOAD instruction takes two arguments, a page number and a block number. The LOAD instruction initiates the transfer of data from the specified disk block to the memory page. The XSM machine doesn't wait for the block transfer to complete, it continues with the execution of the next instruction. Instead, the XSM machine provides a hardware mechanism to detect the completion of data transfer. XSM machine raises the disk interruptwhen the disk operation is complete.
In real operating systems, the OS maintains a software module called the disk device drivermodule for handling disk access. This module is responsible for programming the disk controller hardware for handling disk operations. When the OS initiates a disk read/write operation from the context of a process, the device driver module is invoked with appropriate arguments. In our present context, the device manager module integrates a common "driver software" for all devices of XSM. The load and store instructions actually are high level "macro operations" given to you that abstract away the low level details of the device specific code to program the disk controller hardware. The loadi instruction abstracts disk I/O using the method of polling whereas the load instruction abstracts interrupt baseddisk I/O.
To initiate the disk transfer using the load statement, first the process has to acquire the disk. This ensures that no other process uses the disk while the process which has acquired the disk is loading the disk block to the memory page. eXpOS maintains a data structure called Disk Status Table to keep track of these disk-memory transfers. The disk status table stores the status of the disk indicating whether the disk is busy or free. The disk status table has a LOAD/STORE bit indicating whether the disk operation is a load or store. The table also stores the page number and the block number involved in the transfer. To keep track of the process that has currently acquired the disk, the PID of the process is also stored in the disk status table. The SPL constant DISK_STATUS_TABLEgives the starting address of the Disk Status Table in theXSM memory.
After the current process has acquired the disk for loading, it initializes the Disk Status Table according to the operation to be perfromed (read/write). The process then issues the load statement to initiate the loading of the disk block to the memory page. As mentioned earlier, the XSM machine does not wait for the transfer to complete. It continues with the execution of the next instruction. However, virtually in any situation in eXpOS, the process has to wait till the data transfer is complete before proceeding (why?). Hence, the process suspends its execution by changing its state to WAIT_DISK and invokes the scheduler, allowing other concurrent processes to run. (At present, the only concurrent process for the OS to schedule is the IDLE process. However, in subsequent stages we will see that the OS will have more meaningful processes to run.)
When the load/store transfer is complete, XSM machine raises the hardware interrupt called the disk interrupt. This interrupt mechanism is similar to the console interrupt. Note that when disk interrupt occurs, XSM machine stops the execution of the currently running process. The currently running process is not the one that has acquired the disk (why?). The disk interrupt handler releases the disk by changing the STATUS field in the Disk Status table to 0. It then wakes up all the processes waiting for the disk (by changing the STATE from WAIT_DISK to READY) which also includes the process which is waiting for the disk-transfer to complete. Then returns to the process which was interrupted by disk controller.
XSM machine disables interrupts when executing in the kernel mode. Hence, the disk controller can raise an interrupt only when the machine is executing in the user mode. Hence the OS has to schedule "some process" even if all processess are waiting for disk/terminal interrupt - for otherwise, the device concerned will never be able to interrupt the processor. The IDLE process is precisely designed to take care of this and other similar situations.

In this stage, you have to modify the exec system call by replacing the loadi statement by a call to the Disk Load function. The Disk Load function (in device manager module), the Acquire Disk function (in resource manager module) and the disk interrupt handler must also be implemented in this stage. Minor modifications are also required for the boot module.
1.Disk Load (function number = 2,device manager module)¶
The Disk Load function takes the PID of a process, a page number and a block number as input and performs the following tasks :
- Acquires the disk by invoking the Acquire Disk function in the resource manager module (module 0)
- Set the Disk Status tableentries as mentioned in the algorithm (specified in the above link).
- Issue the load statement to initiate a disk block to memory page DMA transfer.
- Set the state of the process (with given PID) to WAIT_DISK and invoke the scheduler.
2.Acquire Disk (function number = 3, resource manager module)¶
The Acquire Disk function in the resource manager module takes the PID of a process as an argument. The Acquire disk function performs the following tasks :
- While the disk is busy (STATUS field in the Disk Status Table is 1), set the state of the process to WAIT_DISK and invoke the scheduler. When the disk is finally free, the process is woken up by the disk interrupt handler.
- Lock the disk by setting the STATUS and the PID fields in the Disk Status Table to 1 and PID of the process respectively.
Both Disk Load and Acquire Disk module functions implemented above are final versions according to the algorithm given in respective modules.
3. Implementation of Disk Interrupt handler¶
When the disk-memory transfer is complete, XSM raises the disk interrupt. The disk interrupt handler then performs the following tasks :
- Switch to the kernel stack and back up the register context.
- Set the STATUS field in the Disk Status table to 0 indicating that disk is no longer busy.
- Go through all the process table entries, and change the state of the process to READY, which is in WAIT_DISK state.
- Restore the register context and return to user mode using the
There is no Release Disk function to release the disk instead the disk interrupt handler completes the task of the Release Disk function.
4. Modification to exec system call (interrupt 9 routine)¶
Instead of the loadi statement used to load the disk block to the memory page, invoke the Disk Load function present in the device manager module.
We will initialize another data strucutre as well in this stage. This is the per-process resource table. (This step can be deferred to later stages, but since the work involved is simple, we will finish it here). The per-process resource table stores the information about the files and semaphores which a process is currently using. For each process, per-process resource table is stored in the user area page of the process. This table has 8 entries with 2 words each, in total it occupies 16 words. We will reserve the last 16 words of the User Area Page to store the per-process Resource Table of the process. In exec, after reacquiring the user area page for the new process, per-process resource table should be initialized in this user area page. Since the newly created process has not opened any files or semaphores, each entry in the per-process table is initialized to -1.
5. Modifications to boot module¶
Following modifications are done in boot module :
- Load the disk interrupt routine from the disk to the memory.
- Initialize the STATUS field in the Disk Status Table to 0.
- Initialize the per-process resource table of init process.
Compile and load the modified and newly written files into the disk using XFS-interface. Run the Shell version-I with any program to check for errors.
Q1. Can we use the load statement in the boot module code instead of the loadi statement? Why?
No. The modules needed for the execution of load, need to be present in the memory first. And even if they are present, at the time of execution of the boot module, no process or data structures are initialized (like Disk Status Table).
Q2. Why does the disk interrupt handler has to backup the register context?
Disk interrupt handler is a hardware interrupt. When disk interrupt occurs, the XSM machine just pushes IP+2 value on stack and transfers control to disk interrupt. Occurance of a hardware interrupt is unexpected. When the disk interrupt is raised, the process will not have control over it so the process (curently running) cannot backup the registers. That's why interrupt handler must back up the context of the process (currently running) before modifying the machine registers. The interrupt handler also needs to restore the context before returning to user mode.
Q3. Why doesn't system calls backup the register context?
The process currently running is in full control over calling the interrupt (software interrupt) corresponding to a system call. This allows a process to back up the registers used till that point (not all registers). Note that instead of process, the software interrupt can also back up the registers. But, the software interrupt will not know how many registers are used by the process so it has to back up all the registers. Backing up the registers by a process saves space and time.
Q4. Does the XSM terminal input provide polling based input?
Yes, readi statement provided in SPL gives polling based terminal I/O. But readi statement only works in debug mode. Write operation is always asynchronous.
Assignment 1
Use theXSM debuggerto print out the contents of the Disk Status Table after entry and before return from the disk interrupt handler.