Low Level System Call Interface

INT 4 to INT 18 are software interrupt handlers. They are used by the user program to access kernel services (e.g. Read from a file, fork a child process etc).

The OS design is fixed such that only the user program can call the software interrupts. They should not be called from inside another interrupt handler or kernel module.

The system call interface is presented below.

System Call System Call Number Interrupt Routine Number Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Return Value
Create 1 4 File Name (String) Permission (Integer) * - 0 - Success / File alredy exists
-1 - No free inode table entry
Delete 4 4 File Name (String) - - 0 - Success/File not found
-1 - Permission denied
-2 - File is open
Seek 6 5 File Descriptor Offset - 0 - Success
-1 - File Descriptor is invalid
-2 - Offset moves File pointer outside file
Open 2 5 File Name - - File Descriptor - Success
-1 - File Not found or file is not data file or root file
-2 - System has reached its limit of open files
-3 - Process has reached its limit of resources
Close 3 5 File Descriptor - - 0 - Success
-1 - File Descriptor is invalid
Read 7 6 File Descriptor (-1 for terminal read) Word Address (Buffer) - 0 - Success
-1 - File Descriptor given is invalid
-2 - File pointer has reached the end of file
Write 5 7 File Descriptor(-2 for terminal write) Word to write - 0 - Success
-1 - File Descriptor given is invalid
-2 - No disk space / File Full
-3 - Permission denied
Fork 8 8 - - - PID - Success (in parent process)
0 - Success (in child process)
-1 - Failure (in parent process), Number of processes has reached maximum limit
Exec 9 9 File Name - - -1 - File not found or file is not executable
Exit 10 10 - - - -
Getpid 11 11 - - - current PID - Success
Getppid 12 11 - - - parent PID - Success
Wait 13 11 PID - - 0 - Success
-1 - Given PID is invalid or it is PID of invoking process
Signal 14 11 - - - 0 - Success
Semget 17 13 - - - SEMID - Success
-1 - Process has reached its limit of resources
-2 - Number of semaphores has reached its maximum
Semrelease 18 13 SEMID - - 0 - Success
-1 - Invalid SEMID
SemLock 19 14 SEMID - - 0 - Success or semaphore is already locked by the current process
-1 - invalid SEMID
SemUnLock 20 14 SEMID - - 0 - Success
-1 - Invalid SEMID
-2 - Semaphore was not locked by the calling process
Shutdown 21 15 - - - -1 - Permission denied
Newusr 22 16 User Name Password - 0 - Success
-1 - User already exists
-2 - Permission denied
-3 - No. of users have reached the system limit.
Remusr 23 16 User Name - - 0 - Success
-1 - User does not exist
-2 - Permission denied
-3 - Undeleted files exist for the user
Setpwd 24 16 User Name New password - 0 - Success
-1 - Unauthorised attempt to change password
-2 - The user does not exist.
Getuname 25 16 User ID - - User Name - Success
-1 - Invalid User ID
Getuid 26 16 User Name - - User ID - Success
-1 - Invalid username
Login 27 17 User Name Password - 0 - Success
-1 - Invalid username or password
-2 - Permission denied
Logout 28 12 - - - -1 - permission denied
Test0 96 18 - - - -
Test1 97 18 - - - -
Test2 98 18 - - - -
Test3 99 18 - - - -
Test4 ** 100 19 - - - -
Test5 ** 101 19 - - - -
Test6 ** 102 19 - - - -
Test7 ** 103 19 - - - -

*If the file is created with permission set to EXCLUSIVE, then write and delete system calls will fail when executed by any user other than the owner or the root (see here).

** These System Calls are available only on eXpOS running on NEXSM (a two-core extension of XSM) machine.

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