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Module 5: Context Switch Module (Scheduler Module)

Yields control from the current process and schedules the next process for execution.

Function Number Function Name Arguments
- Switch Context Nil

Switch Context

Get the pid of the current process from System Status Table;

Push the BP register of the current process to the top of it's kernel stack. 
/* The ExpL application does not push the Base Pointer register (BP). See ExpL calling conventions. 
Hence it is saved to the stop of the Kernel Stack */

Save the SP%512, PTBR and PTLR to the Kernel SP, PTBR and PTLR fields of the 
Process Table entry of the current process;  

if (PAGING_STATUS in the System Status Table is not 0) /* Paging is ongoing */
    If the paging process is blocked     /* the paging process is executing a disk operation */
        Choose Idle Process for scheduling.
        Choose the Swapper Daemon to be scheduled.
        Find the next non swapped process to schedule using the Round Robin scheduling technique, 
        excluding the Swapper Daemon;
        /* Check the SWAP_FLAG in the process table */
            If no process (that is not swapped out) is in  READY or CREATED state, select the Idle process;

Set the PTBR and PTLR registers to the corresponding values in the process table entry
of the new process;

Set the new PID in the System Status Table;

if (the new Process is in CREATED state){       /* The process has just been forked from a parent process */

        Set SP to the value of UserSP field in the Process table entry of the new process;
    Set BP to the value stored at the beginning of the kernel stack.    
    /* BP value of the process is saved to the beginning of the kernel stack by Fork() system call at process creation. */

        Set the state of the new process as (RUNNING, - );

    Set the MODE_FLAG in the process table entry 0.
        Use ireturn statement to transfer control back to user mode;

Set the state of the new process as (RUNNING, - );

Read the KPTR field and the UArea Page number from the Process table entry of the
new process;

Set SP to UArea_Page * 512 + KPTR;

Restore the BP register of the new process from the top of it's kernel stack.

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